Shock Fighter


Razor hates Vivika. He wants to rid the world of her evils! He wants revenge. But it’s not so easy.

Shock Fighter™ is going to make you scream. Shock Fighter™ brings you the meanest and most disgusting invention since the existence of video games: The Pain Bracelet™! You are going to hate it. Seriously. Because Shock Fighter™ will deliver electric shocks to the Pain Bracelet™ whenever you - as Razor - beat up your enemies. If you thought revenge was easy, think again. Are you strong enough?

The game features graphics by Brazilian artist Ivy Monteiro with beautiful, hand-drawn characters, carefully animated frame by frame. Just like in the eighties.


We decline all responsibility for cases of Professor-Emmet-Brown-Hair caused by playing Shock Fighter™. No, seriously, Shock Fighter™ exposes your body to electric shocks of up to 10,000 Volts, please be cautious if you have a pace maker or a weak heart. For healthy people, Shock Fighter is absolutely safe to play.

Game Facts


Mac / PC with Pain Bracelet™ & Pain Box™


Cannot be played without wearing the Pain Bracelet
Optimised for fighting board controllers.


The game will be installed at your site on demand. PM on Twitter @stefonair for more info.


2-5 Minutes per Session, depending on player’s skill and resistance to electric shocks


Exhibited at A.Maze Festival Berlin.

A.Maze Festival, Berlin - April 28-29, 2017 - Open Screen Selection

Exhibited at Digital Playground Festival

Digital Playground Festival, Schlachthaus Theater, Bern - March 30th, 2017

Exhibited at ZHDK Showroom Z+

ZHDK Showroom Z+, Toni Areal, Zürich: April 7-8, 2016


Stay up to date about Shock Fighter exhibitions and other news.

©2016-2017 Stefan Schmidlin, Ivan Monteiro Feitosa